What is the language context?

1. We live in China. We are learning English. We study English everyday for 50 minutes at school. We are studying in a(n) context.

2. We live in Canada. We are learning French. We study all of our subjects in French – Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Physical education, Health, Art, Music, and Language Arts. We are studying in a(n) context.

3. We are from Poland. We have come to Canada to improve our English so that we can pass the TOEFL examination. We are studying in a(n) context.

4. We live in Canada. We are learning Ukrainian. We study half of our subjects in Ukrainian –Mathematics, Physical education, Health, Art, Music, and Language ARTS; and half in English - Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts. We are studying in a(n) context.

5. We are from China. We have come to Canada for 6 months to learn about teaching English. We are also improving our English. We are studying in a(n) context.